Accessorizing is a must for every Mia Chica girl.
Especially with hair accessorizing. Hats, headbands, clips, and especially flowers.

Check out a few of our Mia Chica girls with a little flower power in their do!
This has inspired us to create a D.I.Y. Flower Crown for you!
*to change it up for Fall, try using feathers!*

  • A Solid Headband
  • Synthetic Flowers
  • 1/2" Ribbon
  • F-6000 Glue
  • Scissor
  • Plastic Knife
  • Skewer Sticks or Toothpicks 


1. Start by taking one headband and the ribbon and begin wrapping your headband. Make sure to wrap the end of it to secure the ribbon in place.
2. Take a skewer stick and your F-6000 glue and dab a little glue on the inside of your headband. This will secure that your ribbon won't unravel from your headband.
3. If necessary, take your plastic knife to smooth out your glue. This will take out any lumps that might show through your ribbon.
4. Continue steps 1 through 3 until your wrap the entire headband.
5. Glue the end of the ribbon to the base of the headband, making sure the ribbon is completely secure.
6. Adding flowers, start by putting a dab of glue on the top of one end of the headband. Place one flower on the spot of glue and hold it in place for 30-45 seconds. If you would rather clip it in place to let the flower dry, use a bobby pin or a binder clip and remove it when dried.
7. - 9. Keep gluing flowers to the headband until the headband is completely covered from end to end.
10. - 13. To make your crown fuller, alternately glue more flowers around the headband. Keep doing this until the flowers are complete to your liking. This varies for everyone.


Wah Lah

Now you have a one-of-a-kind flower crown :)

Happy D.I.Y. Friday

Mia Chica

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